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Food Products /  Seasonings & Condiments /  Plant Extract / 
Producer information
Kang Fortune International Limited
Unit D 4/F China Overseas Bldg 139 Hennessy RD Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Green Tea Extract

General: According to Chinese legend, tea was discovered accidentally by an emperor 4,000 years ago. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine has recommended green tea for headaches, body aches and pains, digestion, depression, immune enhancement, detoxification, as an energizer, and to prolong life.Modern research has confirmed many of these health benefitsCharacteristics: Light yellow powder green tea extractCommodity: Green tea(decaffeinated)Specification:(1)green tea extract 40%>40% polyphenolstest by uv-vis20~25% catechins test by hplc(2)green tea extract 50%>50% polyphenols test by uv-vis25~30% catechins test by hplc7~9% caffeine(3)green tea extract 60%>60% polyphenols test by uv-vis30~35% catechins test by hplc7~9% caffeine

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Fenugreek Extract
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Herbal Extract
01 Momordica Grosvenori P.E.Mogrosides 80% 90%UV02 Bilberry P.E.Anthocyanidin 10% 15% 20%UV03 Rhodiola Rosea P.E.Rosavins1%-6%Salidroside 1%-6%HPLC04Grape Seed/skin P.E.Proanthocyanidin 60% 80%90% 95%
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Herbal Extract (D-F)
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