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Kang Fortune International Limited
Unit D 4/F China Overseas Bldg 139 Hennessy RD Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Cassia Nomame Extract

Commodity: Cassia nomame extractSpecification:10:1Description: Identification: Verified verified tlc, characters/appearance: Fine powder compliesvisual, color: Greenish yellow complies visual, solubility: Good soluble in hydro-alcoholic solution complies visual, odor characteristic complies organoleptic, taste: Characteristic complies organoleptic. [latin name]: Cassia nomame. L.. [botanical source]: Cassia nomame (sieb. ) kifagawa; or cassia mimosoides var. Nomame makino [synonyms]: Cassia nomame (sibe. )kita; nomame herba; mimosoides tea. [plant part used]: Total aerial part(dried 100% natural) application: Inhibits the enzyme lipase.Function: Taking cassia nomame reduces the amount of fat that is broken down into an absorbable size. Therefore, fat that would have normally entered the blood stream will pass through the body. This typically assists in reducing total calorie intake and blood triglycerides. Mechanism: Lipase inhibitors interrupt the normal sequence of events which normally occur after we eat a fat-containing food. Lipase inhibitors keep the fat molecules in their original, large state; so, that they can not pass through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. They accomplish this by inhibiting the action of pancreatic lipases; consequently, fat molecules are not digested in the small intestines & they they do not enter the blood stream. With this enzyme "blocked" from doing its job, fat passes through the body unabsorbed.

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