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Информация о производителе
Kang Fortune International Limited
Unit D 4/F China Overseas Bldg 139 Hennessy RD Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


The total ginsenosides extracted from the root and stem as well as leaves of ginseng, a kind of Araliaaceae contain eighteen individual gingsenosides, applicable to coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, ventricular extrasystole, irregular blood pressure, weak nerves resulting from child-birth, illness, operations and over-fatigue. If you take it for a long time, it may prolong your life and improve your energy, curing low immunity of cancer patients, which results from irradiation and chemical therapy, resisting cold or heat press reaction, strengthing the cekks on human skin surface and inhibiting aging decline.Inner packing:25kg/double-layer aluminum foil bagOuter packing:Fiberboard drumSpecifications:1) Ginsenosides:20% -80%,2) Low pesticides:10ppm(Max)3) Extracted part: Leaf and stem4) Extract solvent: Ethanol5) Extract medium: None6) Appearance: Light yellow powder7) Taste: A little bitter8) Particle size: Passed 80 mesh9) Moisture:5.0%(Max)10) Arsenic:2ppm(Max)11) Heavy metals:20ppm(Max)12) Ginsenosides (by HPLC):20-80%13) Total plate count:
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Экстракта виноградных косточек
 Grape Seed Extract (Экстракта виноградных косточек)
Commodity: Grape Seed ExtractAppearance: Red-brownish powderIdentification: Positive reactionGrape Seed ExtractUsage:As a dietary supplement, grape seed extract is rich in polyphenols, specifically pr
Grape Skin экстракт с 5% Reverastrol
 Grape Skin Extract With 5% Reverastrol (Grape Skin экстракт с 5% Reverastrol)
Commodity: Grape Skin ExtractSpecification: Reverastrol 5%Packing:25KGS/DrumParticle Size:100% pass 80 meshLoss on drying:8%maxAfter Burn:5%maxHeavy Metal:10ppm(max)Iron:10ppm(Max)Arsenic:2ppm(Max)Tot
Экстракт зеленого чая
 Green Tea Extract (Экстракт зеленого чая)
General: According to Chinese legend, tea was discovered accidentally by an emperor 4,000 years ago. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine has recommended green tea for headaches, body aches and pa
Cassia Nomame Extr t
Commodity: Cassia nomame extractSpecification:10:1Description: Identification: Verified verified tlc, characters/appearance: Fine powder compliesvisual, color: Greenish yellow complies visual, solubil
Цитрусовые Aurantium Extr t
Commodity: Citrus aurantium extractSpecification: SynephrineDescription: Dark brown powder, raw material: The dried small citrus aurantium fruit.Function: Synephrine is a well known bronchial dilator,
Coriolus Versicolor Полисахариды
Commodity: Coriolus versicolor polysaccharideSpecification: Polysaccharide 20%,30%,40%Description: Commonly known as the "turkey tail" in north america, coriolus versicolor (also known as tr
Эхинацея пурпурная Extr t
Product name: Echinacea purpurea extractSpecification: Cichoric acid 4%;polyphenols4.0%uvDescription: Latin name: Echinacea purpurea. Used part: Whole herb. Appearance: Light yellow-green fine powder.
Пажитник Extr t
Product Name: Fenugreek ExtractSpecification:4:1 ;10:1Description: General Information of of Fenugreek: Fenugreek is an annual Mediterranean and Asiatic herb with aromatic seeds. It grows to two feet
Экстракт из лекарственных трав
01 Momordica Grosvenori P.E.Mogrosides 80% 90%UV02 Bilberry P.E.Anthocyanidin 10% 15% 20%UV03 Rhodiola Rosea P.E.Rosavins1%-6%Salidroside 1%-6%HPLC04Grape Seed/skin P.E.Proanthocyanidin 60% 80%90% 95%

Так же в категории "Экстракты растений":
 Green Tea Polyphenols (80%)
 Rosemary Acid, Rosemary Oil, Carnosic Acid
 1 Tie, 2 Tie Bristle Coir Fibre
1 Галс...
 Coconut Fiber
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