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Информация о производителе
Kang Fortune International Limited
Unit D 4/F China Overseas Bldg 139 Hennessy RD Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Echinacea Purpurea Extract

Product name: Echinacea purpurea extractSpecification: Cichoric acid 4%;polyphenols4.0%uvDescription: Latin name: Echinacea purpurea. Used part: Whole herb. Appearance: Light yellow-green fine powder. Odor: Characteristic. Assay: Cichoric acid 1%,2%,4%hplc ;polyphenols4.0%uv. Echinacea purpurea extract, echinacea purpurea extract, echinacea angustifolia extract, echinacea purpurea, a kind of echinacea which belongs to chrysanthemum family, is planted in america originally and takes possiession of high medicinal value.Function: The clinical experiments have proved that its compound effect can strengthen the immunity. Especially, at the early stage of catching cold or influenza. It plays wonderful effects on the patients. It can strengthen the immunity and shorten the fit of the respiratory infection, relieving headache and nose inflammation. The singular prescription can strengthen the immunity within the human boby, resisting against the viral attack.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Пажитник Extr t
Product Name: Fenugreek ExtractSpecification:4:1 ;10:1Description: General Information of of Fenugreek: Fenugreek is an annual Mediterranean and Asiatic herb with aromatic seeds. It grows to two feet
Экстракт из лекарственных трав
01 Momordica Grosvenori P.E.Mogrosides 80% 90%UV02 Bilberry P.E.Anthocyanidin 10% 15% 20%UV03 Rhodiola Rosea P.E.Rosavins1%-6%Salidroside 1%-6%HPLC04Grape Seed/skin P.E.Proanthocyanidin 60% 80%90% 95%
Экстракт из лекарственных трав
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioCalendula cmarigold) lutein, zeaxanthin HPLCCamu camu extract myrciaria dubis 12:1 extractCarrot juice extract daucus carota 10:1 extractCassia nomame e
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (B)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioBarley grass juice extract hordeum distichon 20:1 extractBee pollen powder extract apis mellificaBilberry extract vaccinium myrtillus 25% anthocyanidins
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (D-F)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioDamiana leaf extract turnera aphrodisiaca 4:1 extractDandelion extract taraxacum officinale 3% flavonoidsDevils claw root extract harpagophytum procumbe
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (G)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioGarcinia cambogia garcinia cambogia 50-60% hydroxy citric acidGarlic extract allium sativum 1%,2% allicinGarlic - odorless allium sativum 4:1 extractGen
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (H-L)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioHawthorn berry extract crataegus pinnatifida 2% vitexinsHawthorn leaves extrract crataegus pinnatifida 2% hyperosidesHibiscus flower extract hibisci sab
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (М-О)
Product name Latin name Standardized & p. E. RatioMaca extract lepidium meyenii 0. 5 beta-ecdysoneMagnolia officinalis 95% magnolol honokiolMaitake mushroom extract grifola frondosa 15% , 20% polysacc
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (С-S)
Product name latin name standardized&p. E. RatioPassion flower extract passiflora incarnata 4:1 extractPau darco extract tebebuia sp 3% napthoquinonesPeppermint extract mentha piperita 8:1 extractPers

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