Agriculture Trailers for TractorsTipping and Non-Tipping.
Прицепы для тракторов
Tipping Trailer for TractorsTwo Wheeled4 to 5 Tons capacitycan supply in CKD painted in red-oxide ready to assemble and paint.
Power культиваторы
Power Tillers (walking tractors) 8, 12 and 15 hp accessories such as Trailers, Ploughs, Water pumps etc.
Сахарный тростник дробилка
For your requirements for Sugarcane Crushers from India lease contact us.Sugarcane crushers available with diesle engine or with electrical motor.Minimum order qty on e 20 ft container.
Диск Плуг
Disc ploughs available in 2,3, and 4 disc.These are tractor drawn.Also available disc harrows.
Multi Crop Молотилка
Multi-crop Thresheravailable with single or double blower.can be power or Diesel Engine Driven.