Cu-Al Welded Tubing
Connecting tube for air-conditioner is the connection system for the tubing betweenindoor machine and outdoor machine, currently many domestic companies use coppertube as the connection tubing, but we have a better solution for this application-copper-aluminum connecting tube, it has following features:1) Good temperature-preserving, much better then copper tube,saves energy and electricity2) Low price and resource-saving3) Learned from overseas advanced welding experience, clean,no solder, conform to the requirements of refrigeration tubing(have been running in refrigerator for many years)4) Passed the strict examination by the Connecting TechnicCenter of Harbin Institute of Technology andsome top grade air-conditioner manufacturers, have wongreat acclaim from the customers after mass production. Itsperformance of airproof, pressure-assistant, flexibility, anti-corrosion, mechanics, and cleanness can meet therequirements of national standard, having the same featureand life like copper tubing working as the connection part,but decreasing the cost by 20-50%Property:1. Don`t need welding-assistant flux, meet the requirements ofcleanness for refrigeration tubing2. The length of welding fusion is more then 6mm, ensuring noleakage for the welding connections, avoiding the break ofthe connection under high pressure3. Avoids corrosion by refrigeration flux4. Uses KTG heat shrinkable tube as the whole protection,surely insulating water and moisture, no corrosion, hasdecreased the temperature dissipation, increased the effectof temperature remaining5. Uses high quality aluminum tubing with thickness more then1mm, with good bending and anti-pressure, easy to installand move6. Easy to be welded like copper tubing7. Condition: can work on the same air-conditioner conditionsas copper tubing8. RoHS compliant9. Standard: conform to national standardsPacking:Spool/Carton
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