Producer information
Company: Hi-green Bioenergy |
Address: Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India |
Phone: +91-79-22861433 |
Oxygen Petrol Additive (Save Petrol)
An "all-in" bio-based additive that improves petrol based engines reach peak performance while consuming less fuel. It effectively addresses the quest for fuel-economy (upto 7% ) , clean air and driving satisfaction.Oxygen has advanced biopetroleum chemistry that outperforms most petroleum-based additives.Each bottle is a complete additive package combining every practical feature found in superpremium petrol.QUICK BENEFITS: -- BOOSTS POWER AND ACELARATION RESPONSE.- REDUCES VISIBLE SMOKE & HARMFULL GASES.- REDUCES ENGINE WEAR.- DECLOGS FUEL NOZZLE.- DECARBONISES ENGINE.- LOWERS MAINTAINANCE COSTS.- INCREASES MILEAGE (APPROX 6-7% )HOW DOES IT WORKS?OXYGEN through its varios functionalities helps to improve the efficiency of the engine which results in improve in efficieny & also increases engine life.Majority of the time petrol fuel doesnot give optimum performance because it doesnot vapourises completely. Oxygen helps in complete vapourisation of petrol & thereby increasing the fuelEfficiency.IDEAL FOR: -CARS, MOTORCYCLE, BOATS AND PETROL ENGINE.USAGE GUIDE: -1 ML PER LTR OF PETROL (i. E. 0. 50 p / ltr of PETROL)Add directly to the fuel tank prior re-fuelling. Regular use would optimise engine performance & prolong engine life.FIRST AID: -IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT FLUSH EYES WITHJ RUNNING WATER.COST-BENEFIT ANALYSISWithout OxygenPRICE OF PETROL = RS. 50. 00 PER LTRMILEAGE = 50 KM / LTRCOST PER KM = RE. 1. 00 / KM.WITH OXYGENPRICE OF PETROL OXYGEN = RS. 50. 50 / LTRMILEAGE = 54 KM / LTRCOST PER KM. = Rs. 0. 935 / KMCOST DIFF. = APPROX. 7p / KMPERCENTAGE DIFFERNCE = 7%That means that you save around Rs. 3. 36 per ltr of petrol. [ 7% savings on Rs. 48. 00 per ltr of petrol]PLZ. Note: -FOR BEST PERFORMANCE OXYGEN SHOULD BE USED IN RECOMMENDED RATIOS.
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