Producer information
Company: Hi-green Bioenergy |
Address: Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India |
Phone: +91-79-22861433 |
Bio-Based Diesel Fuel Additive (Save Diesel)
Hi-green bioenergy has invented a new formulation which we call oxygen `4` diesel.O`4`di. Is a bio-based product which can be used as a additive or a blender for diesel engines. It provides the following benefits (at 1 to 2% blend levels) : -- reduces visible smoke and harmful gases.- boosts power and acceleration response.- reduces engine wear.- declogs fuel nozzles.- decarbonizes engine.- lowers maintenance cost.- increases mileage.Usage guide: -Usage guide (Diesel engines only)1. O`4`di is miscible with petroleum diesel at any ratio. Blending in higher ratios will not harm the engine.2. Add 1% to 2% (100: 1 / 50: 1 ratio) into the fuel tank each time before filling with diesel. For first time use, it is advisable to add 20% (4: 1 ratio) of o`4`di for total engine clean-up (injection declogging and system decarbonizing) . Thereafter, a lower ratio can be maintained to sustain the benefits.3. 1% -2% blend (100: 1 / 50: 1 ratio) dissolves petroleum-based fuel deposits. When using o`4`di in older vehicles, check fuel filters frequently. Change filters as necessary.4. Painted surfaces and rubber parts should be cleaned upon contact with o`4`di. Containers should be kept sealed and contents consumed within one year.5. O`4`di is not advisable for use in defective engines such as those with loose compression, pumping oil, or with worn out and enlarged fuel nozzle orifices.O`4`di. "let your engine breathe and live healthy and longer".Packing: -O`4`di is available in 500 ml, 1000 ml, 5000 ml packing.Bulk barell packing would be avaialable on request.Dealership inquiries from India and other countries are invited.
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