CATV-Power Inserters
Remote powering for drop amplifiers 360 F connector contact pin provides high holding force Waterproof SCTE compliant F ports at 15psi Patented power isolation (US Patent No.6491547 ; Taiwan Patent
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CATV-Return Path Attenuators
- SAT series Attenuators Provide Fixed Attenuation for Return Path 5-42MHz(Optionally 5-65MHz) and Minimum Loss for Downstream 54-1000MHz(Optionally 85-1000MHz). - Waterproof at both Ends meets IEC529
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CATV-Subscriber Test Point Device
1. 1 way 20dB DC to make a permanent connection between the indoor and the outdoor network. 2. A permanent ground connection for security reasons (mainly current leakage of defective TV sets) and also
CATV-Surge Protected Directional Coupler
1. 6KV surge protection on all ports. 2. Incorporates X1 bypass capacitor compliant to IEC284-1411 and UL1414 standards. 3. Surge components are approved to UL1414, UL1449, VDE-CECC42000A1, IECQ-QC420
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CATV-Switching Power Supply
AC in, DC out EMI filter design Superior performance for CATV Trunk Amplifier and Line Extender applications 25-70V RMS sine wave in 25-90V RMS square wave in 24VDC positive output Max 1.0A current l
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CATV-Window Filters
Outstanding design giving unrivalled performance Patented grounding design for reliability SMT for superior stability One piece design for reduced radiation Slim and solid mechanical construction - ro
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