EDS-8821 Data Storage (Programmer I) (E(E)PROM Programmer, IBM PC Compatible) Hardware Specification: Programmer I, EDS-8821 50-Pin IDC Flatcable Driver Routine(already built-in BIOS V3.5) Multi-I/O Lab Card(option) Diskette with Driver routine(for PC, optional) Software and Reference: User s Guide included. This Programmer can be used with BGC-8088 by connecting from 50pin PCI(without EDS-8814),or from 62-pin expansion slot (EDS-8814 is Needed) of BGC-8088 V3.5 In addition, it can be used on IBM PC or Compatibles, EDS-8814 and the diskette with Driver Routines are Needed. The Most Reliable and Convenient Data Storage of BGC-8088 Microengineer V3
EZ-DSP Tutor AMS`s EZ-DSP Tutor is an easy to implement Digital Signal Processing course. The courseware program includes software, DSP main board, lab board, comprehensive workbook for student and i
EZ-DSP Tutor AMS`s EZ-DSP Tutor is an easy to implement Digital Signal Processing course. The courseware program includes software, DSP main board, lab board, comprehensive workbook for student and i
EZ-DSP Tutor AMS`s EZ-DSP Tutor is an easy to implement Digital Signal Processing course. The courseware program includes software, DSP main board, lab board, comprehensive workbook for student and i
EZ-MICRO Tutor EZ-Micro Tutor series of courseware from AMS is the first and only complete microprocessor, microcontroller design courses available to community colleges, vocational colleges and univ
EZ-MICRO Tutor EZ-Micro Tutor series of courseware from AMS is the first and only complete microprocessor, microcontroller design courses available to community colleges, vocational colleges and univ
EZ-MICRO Tutor EZ-Micro Tutor series of courseware from AMS is the first and only complete microprocessor, microcontroller design courses available to community colleges, vocational colleges and univ
The GRC C Compiler has been developed using the ANSI C language specification as described in the Kernighan-Ritchie ANSI C book, as it applies to microcontrollers. The compiler produces 3 files. File