AFP Serum Cassette
For the Semi Quantitative detection of alpha-fetoprotein in human serum or plasma, 82% of patients with clinically verified hepatic tumor with high AFP amount.
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CEA Serum Cassette
For the semi quantitative detection of carcinoembroyonic Antigen in human serum. That elevated level of CEA and found in many cancer patien`s blood.
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CEA Serum Cassette
For the semi quantitative detection of carcinoembroyonic Antigen in human serum. That elevated level of CEA and found in many cancer patien`s blood.
COC Cassette, Drug of Abuse
The Cocaine Cassette test is a rapid qualitative competitive binding immunoassay for determination of Cocaine and Metabolites in urine.
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Drug Abuse 5 Screen test
The Drug abuse 5 Screen test is a rapid qualitative competitive binding immunoassay for determination of 5 kinds of drugs and their metabolites in urine.
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Drugs Screening
Mayer`s Reagent General screening test for controlled substances. Designed as the starting point for sequential testing. If you have a totally unknown substance (tablet, capsule, powder or chunk), th
Drugs Screening Barbiturates
Dille-Koppanyi Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify a Barbiturate in either a tablet or capsule form. To test tablets, reduce the substance to a powder form. For capsules, open the capsule a
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Drugs Screening Cocaine / Crack
Cocaine Salts & Base Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify Cocaine HCl, Freebase or Crack. The pouch configuration must develop three positive reactions: (1) Blue presence, (2) Pink solution,
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Drugs Screening Confirming Test
Nitric Acid Reagent Presumptive test designed to differentiate between Heroin and Morphine. This test is not designed as a Primary Test and ODV discourages its use. ODV recommends the use of Mecke`s