Drugs Screening Confirming Test
Nitric Acid Reagent Presumptive test designed to differentiate between Heroin and Morphine. This test is not designed as a Primary Test and ODV discourages its use. ODV recommends the use of Mecke`s
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Drugs Screening Ephedrine
Ephedrine Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine. After breakage and agitation of the two ampoules, a Blue/Violet color will develop in the presen
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Drugs Screening Heroin
Mecke`s Modified Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of all forms of Heroin (White, Brown and Black tar). Break and agitate the first ampoule for 30 seconds. A Green color will
Drugs Screening LSD
Ehrlich`s Modified Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify d-lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD. Due to the dangerous nature of LSD, take every precaution not to touch or absorb this substance i
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Drugs Screening Marijuana
Duquenois-Levine Reagent (Pouch) and Duquenois Reagent (Tube) Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of THC in Marijuana, Hashish or Hash Oil. In both the pouch and tube configuration, br
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Drugs Screening Methadone
Mandelin Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify Methadone. Place a small amount of the substance into the test. Upon breaking and agitating the test, a Dark Blue will develop in the presence o
Drugs Screening Methamphetamine
Sodium Nitroprusside Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of Methamphetamine and MDMA (Ecstasy). Upon breakage of all ampoules and agitation, a Dark Blue color confirms the pres
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Drugs Screening Opiates / Oxycodone
Opiates Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of all forms of Heroin (White, Brown and Black tar). To differentiate between Heroin and Codeine, Heroin will appear as a Purple col
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Drugs Screening PCP/Methaqualone
PCP/Methaqualone Reagent Presumptive test designed to identify the presence of Phencyclidine (PCP) and Methaqualone. Upon breakage and agitation of the first ampoule a Pink color will develop. After