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3Fl-2 No.322 Sec.4 Chung Hsiao E. Rd. Taipei

One-components Epoxy Adhesives

#2425 Curing Condition:110 /60min. Tensile strength:525 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:225 kg-cm2 Viscous liquid.Transparent Lustering.Low temperature curing. Excellent weather resistance.

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One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2225 Curing Condition:150 /60min. Tensile strength:520 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:220 kg-cm2 Liquid,water base.Lustering.Clear.Excellent weather & temperature curing.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2424 Curing Condition:100 /45min. Tensile strength:505 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:234 kg-cm2 Liquid,Lustering ,high bonding & peeling strength.Low temperature curing.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2324 Curing Condition:120 /45min. Tensile strength:540 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:230 kg-cm2 Paste,Lustering,high bonding & peeling strength.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2224 Curing Condition:120 /45min. Tensile strength:510 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:230 kg-cm2 Liquid,Lustering high bonding & peeling strength.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2423 Curing Condition:80 /45min. Tensile strength:471 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:140 kg-cm2 Paste,Super Low Temperature curing.General bonding.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2323 Curing Condition:100 /45min. Tensile strength:491 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:120 kg-cm2 Paste.Low temperature curing.Low cost.General bonding.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2223 Curing Condition:100 /45min. Tensile strength:464 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:140 kg-cm2 Liquid,Low Temperature Curing,general bonding.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2300 Curing Condition:120 /60min. Tensile strength:450 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:120 kg-cm2 Paste,Lustering.Low Cost.For general bonding/sealing.
One-components Epoxy Adhesives
One-components Epoxy Adhesives (One-components Epoxy Adhesives)
#2200 Curing Condition:120 /60min. Tensile strength:454 kg-cm2 Bonding strength:120 kg-cm2 Liquid,Lustering for general bonding/sealing

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