The Oil-Mist type electric lubricator has cooling, lubricative and filtering effect, which can reduce wear of lubrication point. It`s suitable for cutting machines and bearings.
The Oil-Mist type electric lubricator has cooling, lubricative and filtering effect, which can reduce wear of lubrication point. It`s suitable for cutting machines and bearings.
Manual type pump. Use of single pipe, so no need of pipe return device; simple pipping for best effe,ct. Has smooth stickiness to the lubricating surface with proper oiling capacity ()No surplus oil
Min. pressure of action: 5 bar Pressure of using: 5~30 bar Viscosity of oil: 20 ~ 500 cst Discharge capacity: 0.1cc, 0.2cc, 0.3cc, 0.4cc, 0.5cc Available outlet number: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6