Manual type pump. Use of single pipe, so no need of pipe return device; simple pipping for best effe,ct. Has smooth stickiness to the lubricating surface with proper oiling capacity ()No surplus oil w,ill be leaked out to stain with the surface of bench ()No need to worry about dirt & impurities ente,red into the oiling port () () () (),
Min. pressure of action: 5 bar Pressure of using: 5~30 bar Viscosity of oil: 20 ~ 500 cst Discharge capacity: 0.1cc, 0.2cc, 0.3cc, 0.4cc, 0.5cc Available outlet number: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The Oil-Mist type electric lubricator has cooling, lubricative and filtering effect, which can reduce wear of lubrication point. It`s suitable for cutting machines and bearings.