Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly. ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to eli,minate the bad smell. ()25pcs Stainless pin V to emit 1.0 x 10 9 Ion capacity to capture the smalle,r pollutants such as cigratte smoke ()25pcs Aluminum plate V to attached the captured pollutants by,, Ion. () Ozone emitter Vemit over 1mg/hr. Ozone (O3) to kill the bacteria, germs and virus to keep r,oom air fresh and healthy ()High and Low two fan speed; Max. 60CFM air flow with 35dBA noise () Elec,trostatic precipitator could be easily and safety drawn out to be cleaned.,
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the b
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly. ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to eli,minate the
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the b
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly. ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to eli,minate the
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the b
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
Photocatalyst + TiO2 + 2,000,000 Ions/cm3 + Fire place heater 4 function in 1 product; PTC Heating element emit warmth and comfortable heating; Kill germs,virus, bacteria, mold by Photocatalyst & TiO