Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the bad smell. ()25pcs Stainless pin V to emit 1.0 x 10 9 Ion capacity to capture the smaller,, pollutants such as cigaratte smoke ()25pcs Aluminum plate V to attached the captured pollutants ,by Ion. () Ozone emitter V to emit about 20mg/Hr. Ozone (O3) to kill bacteria, germs, virus and dissolve bad smell instan, in order to keep the room air fresh and healthy. () Electrosta,tic precipitator could be draw out easily and safety to be cleaned.,
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly. ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to eli,minate the
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the b
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly. ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to eli,minate the
Seven step to purify the Room Air: ()Nonwave filter V to capture the bigger pollutant,s firstly ()Electrostatic filter V to attached almost pollutants. ()Active Carbon filter V to elim,inate the b
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
The strong point of Photo catalysis Ionizer Air Cleaner HC-255M: Five step to fresh the room Air 1. Assembled Photo catalysis + UV light + Ion + Ozone (O3) in one Ionizer Air Cleaner product. 2. Phot
Photocatalyst + TiO2 + 2,000,000 Ions/cm3 + Fire place heater 4 function in 1 product; PTC Heating element emit warmth and comfortable heating; Kill germs,virus, bacteria, mold by Photocatalyst & TiO
Photocatalyst + TiO2 + 2,000,000 Ions/cm3 + Fire place heater 4 function in 1 product; PTC Heating element emit warmth and comfortable heating; Kill germs,virus, bacteria, mold by Photocatalyst & TiO