Заземления Circuit Breaker
FNB2L (electronic and electromagnetic) RCCB are applied to the circuit of 50/60Hz230VAC single phase, 400VAC three phases.
Заземления Circuit Breaker
FNB2L (electronic and electromagnetic) RCCB are applied to the circuit of 50/60Hz 230VAC single phase, 400VAC three phases. It can prevent electric fire and personal casualty accident caused by person
Электронного типа Предоплата ваттметр
DDSY223 single phase electronic prepayment watt-hour meter and adopt micro-electronics techniques. It is used for measuring rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz Its technique performance are completely confor
Электронного типа Предоплата ваттметр
DDSY223 single phase electronic prepayment watt-hour meter and adoptmicro-electronics techniques. It is used for measuring rated frequency 50Hzor 60Hz Its technique performance are completely conforme
Флеш Добавление
Features: 1) IP40 degree protection complying with IEC5292) Mechanical protection degree IK83) Without MCB or MCB preset
Флеш Добавление
Features:1) IP40 degree protection complying with IEC5292) Mechanical protection degree IK83) Without MCB or MCB preset
Switch Gear
Maximum cable sizes:1) 20A-6mm22) 32A-10mm23) 63A-35mm24) 100/125A-70mm2
Промышленные Plug & Socket
FNP series industrial plugs and sockets are in compliance with the internationalstandards of IEC60309-1 and IEC60309-2.
Промышленные Plug & Socket
FNP series industrial plugs and sockets are in compliance with the following internationalstandards, IEC60309-1 and IEC60309-2.