Features:1) Material: PET2) Also called visual card3) Background is sliver, words printed on the surface4) Available with 1millions times5) TRW is a relatively new technique used for smart cards; it means write and eraseThermo-re-write is a printing and erasing technology, where thermal energy is appliedonto a specific foil on the card to generate and erase printings. A TRW cardis a conventional plastic card made of PVC or PET, which is laminated with a specialTRW foil. The foil is a chemical based film, which reacts to heat. The foilis laminated onto the card by heat and pressure (hot lamination process) in courseof the card production. The foil can be laminated onto PVC as well as PETcards. Paper tickets can be coated with a special thermal layer, for one-time printing.All types of cards can be laminated with the foil. The actual size of therewritable area on the card can be adapted according to the specific requirementsof the application. TRW cards can be reprinted / erased up to 500 times. Becausethe TRW foil is transparent, the cards can be pre-printed in color before lamination,without any loss of color printing quality.Disclaimer:The pictures relevant to this product have been provided for reference only.We do not have any intellectual property rights over the trademark(s)displayed, and are not selling any products containing this/these marks.
Product Name: Thermal Rewrite CardModel Number: PET cardPlace of Origin: ChinaFeatures:1) Material: PET 2) Also called visual card 3) Background is sliver, words printed on the surface 4) Available wi
Features:1) Size: ISO standard, custom size2) Material: PVC, transparent, paper, plastic3) Available with chip embedded, such as SLE4442 and SLE44284) Application: transportation, gift, access control
Product Name: Transparent CardsPlace of Origin: ChinaFeatures:1) Size: ISO standard, custom size2) Material: PVC, transparent, paper, plastic3) Available with chip embedded, such as SLE4442 and SLE442
Features:1) Chip: UCODE HSL2) Designed for pallet and case identification, the SL3 ICS3101 was the firstIC to comply with the worldwide EPC global standard for UHF3) Conforming to the 96-bit EPC globa
UHF smart label is widely used all over the world. We can provide different UHF products to various fields.One product:1) Chip: UCODE HSL2) Designed for pallet and case identification, the SL3 ICS3101
Features:1) Shapes: label, ticket, card, glass tag, integrated ,wristband, button, keychaintag2) Read only card (EM4100, EM4102, TK4100, EM4069), read/write (T5557)3) ISO card could be with HiCo or Lo