Адрес: No. 3, West of Gangzhou Road, Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China (Mainland) Zip: 529100
Телефон: +86-750-6316203
Charming sheet and film color masterbatches are mainly used for the coloration ofpolyester sheets and film, with high dispersion and good heat resistance.Instruction:It is recommended that the temperature be controlled within 280~295. The PETcolor masterbatch has a strong moisture absorption, so it is advised to pre-drybefore using, avoiding too much water being carried to the processing andaffecting the quality.Product series:TB series: applicable to PET sheet and filmPacking and storageThe product is packaged with two layers, preventing from water and moisture.The standard package is 25kg/ bag. Please stored in a dry place with goodventilation and padded to prevent weather damage. The color of the masterbatchcan be preserved for up to five years. When it is opened for use, the remainingparts must be repacked, to avoid duct pollution and moisture absorption.
Product Name: Color Masterbatch for Sheet and FilmPlace of Origin: ChinaCharming sheet and film color masterbatches are mainly used for the coloration ofpolyester sheets and film, with high dispersion
Charming sunshine board series color masterbatch is used for the colorationof the PC sunshine board and meter panels, with high-temperature resistance,good appearance and other excellent performances.
Product Name: Color Masterbatch for Sun SheetPlace of Origin: ChinaCharming sunshine board series color masterbatch is used for the colorationof the PC sunshine board and meter panels, with high-tempe
Product Name: Flame Retardant MasterbatchPlace of Origin: ChinaCharming flame retardant masterbatch is produced for the fiber and plastic productsby selecting mixed flame-retardants according to the d
PP smooth and soft masterbatch are functional ones developed by our company, whose non-woven products feature good feeling and fine hanging, with long effects and stable quality. They are widely used
Product Name: Soft and Smooth MasterbatchPlace of Origin: ChinaPP smooth and soft masterbatch are functional ones developed by our company, whose non-woven products feature good feeling and fine hangi
Charming anti-aging masterbatch is compounded with a number of anti-agingagents to achieve the best use effects of different polymers. Its effectivecomponents can also be compounded with other dyes in
Product Name: UV Stabilizer MasterbatchPlace of Origin: ChinaCharming anti-aging masterbatch is compounded with a number of anti-agingagents to achieve the best use effects of different polymers. Its
Charming flame retardant masterbatch is produced for the fiber and plastic productsby selecting mixed flame-retardants according to the different features of plasticand fiber products, to meet the dem