Уголь и кокс химических веществ
We can supply coke, coke tar, coke tar pitch, crude benzene, carbon black, as well as technical naphthalene and coal tar distillation products.
Уголь и кокс химических веществ
We can supply coke, coke tar, coke tar pitch, crude benzene, carbon black, as well as technical naphthalene and coal tar distillation products.
Антрацен нефть
Specification:1) Distillates at 360°C: 15% max.2) Moisture: 2.0% max.
Каменноугольной смолы
Specification:1) Sensity: 1.13-1.222) TI: 9% max.3) Moisture: 4% max.4) Sulphur content: 0.8% max.5) Naphthalene content (dry basis): 7% min.6) Viscosity e80: 4.2%7) Ash content: 0.05% max.8) Na+: 10p
Сырой бензол
Specification:1) Distillates at 75°C: 3% max.2) Density: 0.871-0.93) Distillates at 180°C: 91% min.4) Benzene content: 65% min.5) BTX content: 85% min.6) Chloride: 15wtppm max.7) Total sulphur
Сырой фенол
Specification:1) Distillates at 210°C: 60% min.2) Distillates at 230°C: 85% min.3) pH: 5-64) Neuter oil: 0.8% max.5) Moisture: 10% max.
Металлургического кокса
Specification:1) Ash content: 12.5% max.2) Sulphur: 0.65% max.3) Volatile matter: 1.9% max.4) M40: 80% min.5) M10: 8% max.6) CSR: 60% min.7) CRI: 30%max.8) Phosphorous: 0.035% max.9) Moisture: 5% max.
Mid-Tem каменноугольной смолы
Mid-temperature Coal Tar PitchParameter:1) Softening point: 85-95°C2) QI: 10% max.3) TI: 23% max.4) Ash: 0.3% max.5) Moisture: 4% max.