Ротационный вакуумный испаритель
A user friendly product with all the required features incorporated:Clear bottom Bath with a digital controller & a temperature range upto 180 degree celcius.Digital indication and control of RPM with
Вертикальные автоклавы
Equitron fully automatic vertical autoclaves are ideal for all critical applications requiring assured & reliable total destruction of all living micro-organisms.Ideal for pharmaceuticals, waste treat
Круглые Ванны
Equitron round baths are ideal for all applications requiring, reliable & safe reactions, extractions, analysis and tests.Round baths are available in both water & oil.Clear bottom, uniquely designed
Анаэробные Культура Jar
Ideal for all tests requiring strict anaerobic conditions in closed environment.A seamless stainless steel body coupled with stainless steel flange & stainless steel lid ensures reliability & durabili
Автоклав одним рычагом блокировки Регулярные серии
The single lever lock series autoclaves are suitable for a wide range of aplications wherein fast & assured sterilisation is required.Ideal for pharma qo, qa, micro, R& D, chemical plants, bio-labs, w
Автоклав одним рычагом блокировки вакуумные серии
The single lever lock series autoclaves are ideal for critical applications and hard to sterlise items where assured sterilisation is required.Ideal for pharma qo, qa, micro, R& D, production, discard
Концентрические кольца водяная баня
Ideal for reliable steaming / evaporation.Fitted with a water level indicating device & a removable flat drop on lid for concentric rings that enables the bath to be used for other work also.Supplied
ESR оседания эритроцитов аппараты
Stainless steel base & top, rest manufactured or coated with non-corrosive material.Unique spring mechanism at bottom permits single hand operation.
Рубашка Автоклав
Equitron vertical jacketed fully automatic autoclaves are ideal for all critical applications requiring assured & reliable total destruction of all living micro-organisms.Ideal for clinics, primary he