We are one of the top-leading China Buses manufacturers and exporter in Asia. Our buses range from 5.8 to 12 meters, even 13.7m in length and can be sorted into ordinary, medium-& high-grade models. W
We are one of the top-leading manufacturers and exporter of passenger bus, tourist coach and city buses in China.We are looking for oversea agent, partnership in all countries, especially auto distrib
We are the leading auto manufacturer & exporter with various of passenger bus, tourist coaches, city buses and auto auto equipment in China, with more than 30 years experience in manufacturing.Our bus
We are a big company specializing in buses and auto equipment manufacturing.Located just near to the Yellow Sea, our company is developing fast together with the steps of our country. We have already
Our company is the leading auto manufacturer & exporter of passenger bus, tourist buses, city buses and auto equipments in China with more than 30 years experiences. Our bus division has 5 factories i
Kindly please take a look at the brief summary of our company.We are one of the biggest bus/coach manufacturers in China. Our main products cover passenger buses, touring buses, city buses, mini buses