Солнечная Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Features:1. Based on mediatek inc. Architecture2. High sensitivity to -158 dbm tracking, superior urban performances3.14 channels all in view tracking, waas enable(option)4. Fast position fix, cold st
Солнечные приведенные Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Solar powered bluetooth gps receiver is one innovative and patent pending product.Offering you with more valuable competition among the market.Please visit our website for more detail information and
Солнечные приведенные Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Features:1. Auxiliary solar power input2. State-of-the-art sirf star iii3.20 channel all-in-view tracking4. Capable of operating indoors and tracking signals down to -159dbm5.12-15 hours operating on
Солнечные приведенные Bluetooth GPS приемник
We are offering you with more compact solar powered bluetooth gps receiver both with 20 channel SiRF III chipset solution and MTK 32 channel solution.Please visit our website for more detail informati
Солнечные приведенные Bluetooth GPS приемник
Solar powered bluetooth gps recievers are suitable for your superior competition position.Please visit our website for more detail information.Looking forward your inquiery and asking for technical su
Тайвань Ftech Nav 550 Автомобильный Gps Навигатор
Nav550 gps navigatorAutomotive in-car gps navigatorTaiwan ftech is announcing total soluion of automotive in-car navigation nav550 by own factory.NoMP3 extrad loading, Only focus on NavigationSimple b