Сан - Тропе тапочки По Planet тапочки
Our handcrafted San Tropez slippers feature a braided, striped abaca base with matching beaded strap. To ensure consistent quality we hand-dye the finest grade abaca available as well as our own woode
Татами бисером по планете Chinelas
Our Tatami Beaded slippers feature a woven mat insole with natural abaca trim, beaded abaca thong and pink rubber sole. Comes in Natural color only in all popular ladies sizes. Perfect summertime foot
Foot Галька По Planet тапочки
Unique pebble design embossed on a 1.5 cm EVA base with white or black rubber thong. Available in Black on White, White on Black and Mixed Pairs, in all popular mens sizes, for US$1.60 per pair for di