Диктофон Pen & УФ-излучение Pen
Product Name: Voice Recorder Pen & UV Light PenPlace of Origin: ChinaFeatures:1) Invisible ink pen with UV light (or a ball pen)2) Can write invisible messages or designs on any dry surface3) Images c
Запись голоса карты
Voice Recording Card in real credit sizeFeature:1) Recording time available in 6-8 secs or 10 secs2) Memo recorder for recording Telephone number, Caller ID recording,Inspiration recording, Festival g
Запись голоса Doorbell
Features:1) Voice recording doorbell in a heart shape in 6 to 8 seconds voice recording,record and play the messages double sided tape attaching the doorbellagainst a flat, clean surface such as your
Запись голоса дверные звонки
Features:1) Voice recording doorbell in a heart shape in 6 to 8 seconds voice recording, record and play the messages double sided tape attaching the doorbell against a flat, clean surface such as you
Запись голоса Pet тегами
Features:1) Voice recorder dog tag with 6-8s recording2) Pet-mate for fun and also for memo recorder avoiding the pet lost3) clear voices and easy operating4) Key chain for easy carrying5) Mini size6)
Запись голоса Pet Tag (ВГВР Утвержденный)
Features:1) Voice recorder dog tag with 6-8 secs recording2) Pet mate for fun and also for memo recorder avoiding the pet loss3) Clear voices and easy operation4) With key chain and easy for carrying5
2-В Game Pen
Features:1) Plastic ball point pen easy to write2) With fun brick game3) Games include: standard Russian block, tank battle, race car, tabletennis, bee, two sides table tennis, shoot disappear and sho
2-в Invisible Ink Pen с УФ-излучение в Cool Design
Features:1) 2-in-1 Invisible Ink Pen with UV Light combination2) Write Invisible messages or designs on any dry surfaces3) Images can magically appear with the UV Light4) People can put down their bri