Over the past year, handbags have quickly become the most popular accessory on the market. There are thousands of styles and designs to choose from, which makes it difficult to find the perfect handbag. Many women are unsure of which types of handbags work best with the shape of their bodies and end up choosing styles which make them look large or out of proportion. In order to help you choose the right type of purse for your body type we have compiled a list of body types as well as which kind of handbag is best suited for each type.Features1) abaca fiber body2) glassbeads and kukui seeds handles3) customer designs welcomeDimensions:12"x6"x10"Total minimum order:200 pcsMode of payment: Freight-on-board (fob) 50% deposit upon order and balance 50% full payment 2 days/weeks before shipment date.Delivery lead time:60 days -- 5000 pcs45 days -- 2500 pcs30 days -- 1000 pcsNote: Prices negotiable for volume ordersLadies handbags, beaded handbags, tote bags, evening bags, clutch bags, coco handbags, casual sinamay handbags, coco belts, bangles, earrings, laminated resinic balls, sinamay/raffia/coco placemats and centerpieces, sinamay hats, kukui wood beads necklaces and fashion accessories, wicker rattan furnitures and fixtures, lamp shades, magazine rack, tissue holders, bread trays, fruit trays, basketry
Features1) coco and paua chips embedded2) all colors available3) customer designs welcomeMinimum order:120pcsMode of payment: Freight-on-board (fob) 50% deposit upon order and balance 50% full payment
Feature1) half-moon brownlip shells with coco flower & discs beltLength:39.37"Minimum order:120pcsMode of payment: Freight-on-board (fob) 50% deposit upon order and balance 50% full payment 2 day
A beautiful collection of placemats and napkins in a variety of patterns. Placemats come in pandan, raffia, sinamay, jute, wicker rattan nito and many moreA placemat is a protective table pad usually
Feature:Laminated pieces of natures beauty and formed into a ball. This beautiful table top accent will enhance your homes ambience and as conversation pieces.Some people believe that this fortune bal
Feature: Laminated pieces of natures beauty (banana sheat crazy cut) and formed into a ball. This beautiful table top accent will enhance your homes ambience and as conversation pieces. Some people be
Feature:Laminated pieces of natures beauty and formed into a ball. This beautiful table top accent will enhance your homes ambience and as conversation pieces.Some people believe that this fortune bal
Fortune balls.. Fill your house with these items and invite good fortune to visit your homes. These items are made from natural materials and are embedded inside a resin thus its shape. Having these i