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Информация о производителе
Chengdu Hawk Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd.
7-3, Hengyuan Building, No. 19 Of Westsection-3 Of 2nd Circle Road,, Chengdu, Sichuan, China (Mainland)


Artemisinin is a white color cream crystalline powder. It is a very effective anti-malaria chemical ingredient derived from the herb qinghao. It was first extracted from the herb huang hua hao (yellow flower hao) and the chemical ingredient is called huang hao su in chinese or artemisinin. This herb was developed after the then most effective anti-malaria drug chloroquine (chloroquine diphosphate) developed drug resistance in malaria therapy during the vietnam war.We can supply you with Artemisinin 99% CP2005, Dihydroartemisinin 99% CP2005, Artemether 99% CP2005 and Artesunate 99% CP2005.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
 Diosmin (Диосмин)
Diosmin is a white or yellowish crystal powder, it can hardly dissolve in water, easily dissolve in watery lye, it can disslove in pyridine. Diosmin belongs to medicine of vitamin P, having the functi
Экстракт зеленого чая
 Green Tea Extract (Экстракт зеленого чая)
There are several compounds extracted from green tea including catechins which contain an enormous amount of hydroxyphenols that are easily oxidized, congregated and contracted, which explains its goo
Hesperidin, Neohesperidin, Neohesperidin DC
 Hesperidin, Neohesperidin, Neohesperidin DC (Hesperidin, Neohesperidin, Neohesperidin DC)
Hesperidin is the white crystal powder with melting point of (mp) 258-262c. It will not dissolve in water, but soluble in pyridine, glycerin, acetic acid, water alkali liquid. Its unsoluble in watery
Plant Extr t
 Plant Extract (Plant Extr t)
We can supply any contents of plant extracts, such as:Artemisinin, Dihydroartemisinin, Artemether, Artesunate,Astragalus P. E.Bilberry P. E.Citrus Aurantium P. E.Coenzyme Q10,Cordyceps extract,Diosmin
Родиола P. Е.
 Rhodiola P. E. (Родиола P. Е.)
Rhodiola p. E. Is used as tonic and sexual elixir for both man and woman in china and has been shown to significantly allow for improvements in athletic performance. It has been reported to have effec
 Rutin (Рутин)
Rutin is yellow or kelly powder or imperceptibility crystal, no smell, no sapor, being deeply in air and brown colloid when heating to 185-192 C. its hard to disslove in water (0. 0013% ) , but can di
Экстракт черники
Bilberry is also commonly known as blueberries. This product is especially popular with european and american customers because of its rich nutritional value and particular effects. The principal ingr
Коэнзим Q10
Coenzyme q10 is a yellow or orange crystalline powder, its melting point is 48c ~ 52c and residue on ignition less than 0. 1% . It can stimulates the immune system, slows the ageing process, lowers hi
Naringin is known as naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside, aurantine and one of flavonones and extracted from grapefruit peels. In addition, to its medicinal uses, under alkali conditions the pyrone ring clea

Так же в категории "Экстракты растений":
 Pressed Flower-Four Leaf Clover
 Rosemary Acid, Rosemary Oil, Carnosic Acid
 Coconut Coir Fibre
 Jatropha Seeds Germination
Jatropha ...
 Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Extract (Polysaccharide)
 Essential Oil
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