This product takes the fish living in the depth of PacificOcean as the raw material condensed through fine modern biologicaltechnique. It is rich in Omege-3 unsaturated fatty acid with itsmain components of DHA and EPA having the following features:lowering the blood grease, cholesterol and blood viscosity,accelerating the circulation of the blood, taking the precautionagainst the forming of the thrombus and against the incidence ofthe cardiovascular disease.Ingredient: Deep Fish Oil, VE.Using method: take 2 times per day, 1-2 capsules per time with the lukewarm water.Specification: 500mgs/capsuleX100capsules/bottle; 98 bottles/carton.Hygiene Permit No.: Hei-Food No. [2006]230107-000192Validity: 24 mounthsPlease visit our home web for other good products, example: Depress blood fat soft capsule; coziness soft capsule; slim health soft capsule; joint ease soft capsule; sugar equilibrium soft capsule; climacterium health soft capsule etc..
This product is made of the gingkgo leaf extract as the mainRaw material through the fine processing. It can lower the bloodGrease, good for the opening up of the blood vessel of brain andEnhance brai
Ginseng obviously helps in retarding the senility, anti-cancer,Harmful stimulating and it plays important role in regulatingInternal secretion, improving the immunity and sexual function.Among many me
Roanthocyanidin is a kind of strong antioxidant with a strongFunction of cleaning free radicals. It has an obvious effect forPreventing brains pathological changes, arteriosclerosis of brainAnd tumor
Aloe is a kind of perennial pulp plant of lily family withHundreds of active elements good for human body having the catharticEffects, curing the constipation and certain dermatosis such asWhelk, come
The main ingredient of the green tea extract is the tea Polyphenol, the tea polyphenol has the following features:Anti-oxidation, free radical clearing, retarding the senility, Lowering the blood grea
Joint Ease soft capsule is made through latest scientificResearch fruits with amino acid glucose and the grape seed as theMain ingredients. It is the safest and most efficient healthy foodWith its cli
This product is made of Tomato Lycopene as the main rawMaterial through fine modern biological technique featuring theFollowing functions: excellent anti-oxidation effects, stimulatingCell growth and
Propolis [praised as purple golden, improving immunity ability]Praised as purple golden, propolis is a kind of jelly substance transformed by bee. It is from a combination of colophony, collected by b
This product has the following functions: regulating variousNervous systems, improving the appetite and sleep quality,Anti-fatigue, regulating the blood pressure in both ways,Stabilizing the blood sug