Экстракт из лекарственных трав (G)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioGarcinia cambogia garcinia cambogia 50-60% hydroxy citric acidGarlic extract allium sativum 1%,2% allicinGarlic - odorless allium sativum 4:1 extractGen
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (H-L)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioHawthorn berry extract crataegus pinnatifida 2% vitexinsHawthorn leaves extrract crataegus pinnatifida 2% hyperosidesHibiscus flower extract hibisci sab
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (М-О)
Product name Latin name Standardized & p. E. RatioMaca extract lepidium meyenii 0. 5 beta-ecdysoneMagnolia officinalis 95% magnolol honokiolMaitake mushroom extract grifola frondosa 15% , 20% polysacc
Экстракт из лекарственных трав (С-S)
Product name latin name standardized&p. E. RatioPassion flower extract passiflora incarnata 4:1 extractPau darco extract tebebuia sp 3% napthoquinonesPeppermint extract mentha piperita 8:1 extractPers
Экстракты (A)
Product name Latin name Standardized&p. E. RatioAcerola extract malpighi glabra linne 17% ascorbic acidAdenophora extract adenophorae species 10:1 extractAgaricus blazei mushroom agaricus blazei 15% p
Plant Extr t
01 Aloe vera P. E 10%02 Angelica dongquai P. E 1% Ligustilide03 Bilberry P. E. Anthocyanidins 25%04 Black cohosh P. E Triterpene glycosides 2.5%05 Black currant P. E 5%06 Black Tea P. E 20%/40%/60% Th
Рейши Mushroom Extr t
Product name: Reishi mushroom extractSpecification: Polysaccharides15%,30%Description: Polysaccharide contain b-8-(1-3)-d-glucan. This polysaccharide seems to have promise as a new type of carcinostat
Женьшень P. Е.
The total ginsenosides extracted from the root and stem as well as leaves of ginseng, a kind of Araliaaceae contain eighteen individual gingsenosides, applicable to coronary heart disease, angina pect
Экстракта виноградных косточек
Commodity: Grape Seed ExtractAppearance: Red-brownish powderIdentification: Positive reactionGrape Seed ExtractUsage:As a dietary supplement, grape seed extract is rich in polyphenols, specifically pr