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Информация о производителе
Natural Ingredient Bio-Resources (Changsha) Co., Ltd.
2 Hutian, Liaodong, Nei Mongol, China (Mainland)


Rhodiola rosea L. Also known as golden root or roseroot belongs to the plant family Crassulaceae. R. Rosea growsPrimarily in dry sandy ground at high altitudes in the arctic areas of EuropeAnd Asia. The plant reaches a height of 12 to 30 inches (70cm) and producesYellow blossoms. It is a perennial with a thick rhizome, fragrant when cut. TheGreek physician, Dioscorides, first recorded medicinal applications of rodiaRiza in 77 C. E. In De Materia Medica. Linnaeus renamed it Rhodiola rosea,Referring to the rose-like attar (fragrance) of the fresh cut rootstock.For centuries, R. Rosea has been used in the traditional medicine of Russia,Scandinavia, and other countries. Between 1725 and 1960, various medicinalApplications of R. Rosea appeared in the scientific literature of Sweden,Norway, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, and Iceland. Since 1960, more than180 pharmacological, phytochemical, and clinical studies have been published.Although R. Rosea has been extensively studied as an adaptogen with variousHealth-promoting effects, its properties remain largely unknown in the West.In part this may be due to the fact that the bulk of research has been publishedIn Slavic and Scandinavian languages. This review provides an introduction to someOf the traditional uses of R. Rosea, its phytochemistry, scientific studies exploringIts diverse physiological effects, and its current and future medical applications.(Richard P. Brown, etc.2002, Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview. )Rhodiola Rosea Extract can treat anaemia and anti-leucocyte decrease, improveOrganisms ability to use oxygen; it can improve the heart pump funcition,Improve blood supply efficiency, accelerate the elimination of the lactic acid,Keep the inner body environment balanced; it is the effictive component to treatAnaemia, neurasthenic, insomnia & forgetery, headache & vertigo, bloodLack of heart and brain and immunity decrease.Rhodiola Powder Extract P. E.Rhodiola Rosea/RosaeRhodiola Sacra(Hamet)S. H. Fu.4% Salisorosides3% Rosavins5% Rosavins5% Rosavin40% Polyphenols,1% Salisorosides40% Polyphenols,1% Rosavins,3%Salisorosides40% Polyphenols,2% Rosavins,4%Salisoroside50% Polyphenols,3% Rosavins (HPLC)50% Polyphenols,5% Rosavins (HPLC)
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Шалфей Root Powder Extr t Tanshinone Iia
Latin name: Salvia miltiorrhiza bgeFamily: LabiataePart of the plant used: Root and rhizomeProduct introductionSalvia root, the dried root and rhizome of salvia miltiorrhiza bge, labiatae, is also cal
Extracted from tobacco leaf, natural product90% (hplc)Solanesol is the material of coenzyme q10, vitamine k2 and beta -carotene. Also the intermediate of medicine for anti caner.
Белый экстракт чая
White tea extract-polyphenols and catechinsWhite Tea 40%-90% Polyphenols
Тис Powder Extr t тис алкоголь
Yew Powder Extract Yew alcoholPaclitaxel/taxol 99% (HPLC)Docetaxel 99% (HPLC)10-DAB3/10-DAB III,10-Deacetyl Baccatin III 99% (HPLC)Yew alcohol has prominent curative effect to many kinds of tumours su
Экстракт зеленого чая
We are a manufacturer of green extracts-green tea polyphenols and catechins. polyphenols 40%-98% and catechins 20%-80%,can be decaffeinate. Gained international gold medal prizes.For details please vi
Экстракт зеленого чая-полифенолов и катехинов
We are a manufacturer of green tea extracts-polyphenols 40%-98% and catechins 20%-80%,can be decaffeinated. Gained international gold medal prizes.For details please contact us.
Родиола Extr t
We are manufacturer and exporter of green tea extracts and standardized botanical extracts.Green tea polyphenols 40%-99% and catechins 20%-95%,EGCg 99% max andothers.Gained international gold medals.
Стандартные Ботанические экстракты (растительные экстракты)
Manufacturer and exporter of standardized botanical extracts (plant extracts).Green tea polyphenols 40%-99% and catechins 20%-95%,EGCg99% max,black cohosh extract,rhodiola extract and others.Gainedint
10-De etyl B catin III 99% (ВЭЖХ)
10-dab3 / 10-dab iii, 10-deacetyl baccatin iii 99% (hplc)Yew alcohol has prominent curative effect to many kinds ofTumours such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer.Clinical to indicate Japan

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 Cordyceps Polysaccharide Powder
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