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Информация о производителе
Natural Ingredient Bio-Resources (Changsha) Co., Ltd.
2 Hutian, Liaodong, Nei Mongol, China (Mainland)


We are a manufacturer of green extracts-green tea polyphenols and catechins. polyphenols 40%-98% and catechins 20%-80%,can be decaffeinate. Gained international gold medal prizes.For details please visit our website.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Экстракт зеленого чая-полифенолов и катехинов
We are a manufacturer of green tea extracts-polyphenols 40%-98% and catechins 20%-80%,can be decaffeinated. Gained international gold medal prizes.For details please contact us.
Родиола Extr t
We are manufacturer and exporter of green tea extracts and standardized botanical extracts.Green tea polyphenols 40%-99% and catechins 20%-95%,EGCg 99% max andothers.Gained international gold medals.
Стандартные Ботанические экстракты (растительные экстракты)
Manufacturer and exporter of standardized botanical extracts (plant extracts).Green tea polyphenols 40%-99% and catechins 20%-95%,EGCg99% max,black cohosh extract,rhodiola extract and others.Gainedint
10-De etyl B catin III 99% (ВЭЖХ)
10-dab3 / 10-dab iii, 10-deacetyl baccatin iii 99% (hplc)Yew alcohol has prominent curative effect to many kinds ofTumours such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer.Clinical to indicate Japan
Черный чай Theaflavins
10%,20%,30%,40% (HPLC)Extracted from black tea
Cassia Nomame P. Е.
Cassia Nomame Powder Extract10:1,20:1 and others.We are manufacturer and exporter of green tea extracts and standardizedbotanical extracts(herb extract,plant extract),polyphenols 40%-99%,catechins 20%
Коэнзим Q10 Водорастворимые 10%, 20%
Coenzyme Q10 Water soluble10% , 20% CoQ10Light yellow granule2 years when properly stored
We are manufacturer of natural Lignans, it is extracted from flax seeds,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%Molecular formula: C7H8O2Molecular weight:124Function and effection:Flax lignans have many health ben
Природные Артемизинин
Extracted from artemisia annua L.99%,99.5% artemisinin99% artesunate99% artemether99% dihydroartemisinin

Так же в категории "Экстракты растений":
 Pressed Flower-Four Leaf Clover
 Green Tea Polyphenols (80%)
Coconut Fiber
 Spray-Dried Coconut Milk Powder
 Coir Fibre, Bristle Coir Fibre
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