Enox in
EnoxacinCAS NO.: 74011-58-8
CAS NO.: 149-32-61. Appearance: White crystalline powder2. Assay: >99.0%
Этил ванилина
CAS No.:121-32-41)Molecular formula: C9H10O3(Molecular weight:166.18)2)Characters: White to faint yellow needle crystal or crystal powder.3)Specification: FCCIV.4)Use: Ethyl vanillin is has full-bodie
Гентамицин сульфат
1)Molecular formula: C21H43N5O7ЎБH2SO4(Molecular weight: 575)2)Characters: A white powder.3)Specification: BP2000/EP5, GMP approval.4)Use: Aminoglycoside antibiotic.
Высоким молекулярным весом Хитозан
Index:Appearance: White to Light Yellow Flake of Semi-transparent SolidDeacetylation≥70.0%, 85.0%, 90%, Series ProductAsh≤2.0%Viscosity≥800mpa.s (cps) (Determined by 0.5% Chitosan Di
Высокая плотность Хитозан
The density of high-density chitosan (>0.60g/ml) is 2 to 3 times of that of common chitosan. The Oil-absorbing ability is over three times of that of common chitosan. One capsule is enough to dissolve