Гентамицин сульфат
1)Molecular formula: C21H43N5O7ЎБH2SO4(Molecular weight: 575)2)Characters: A white powder.3)Specification: BP2000/EP5, GMP approval.4)Use: Aminoglycoside antibiotic.
Высоким молекулярным весом Хитозан
Index:Appearance: White to Light Yellow Flake of Semi-transparent SolidDeacetylation≥70.0%, 85.0%, 90%, Series ProductAsh≤2.0%Viscosity≥800mpa.s (cps) (Determined by 0.5% Chitosan Di
Высокая плотность Хитозан
The density of high-density chitosan (>0.60g/ml) is 2 to 3 times of that of common chitosan. The Oil-absorbing ability is over three times of that of common chitosan. One capsule is enough to dissolve
HydrocortisoneSpecification: BP2005/USP29/EP5, FDA Approval.Packaging: 5kgs/tin, 2tins/carton
CAS No.: 15687-27-11)Molecular formula: C13H18O2(Molecular weight: 206)2)Characters: A white, crystalline powder.3)Specification: BP2003/USP26/EP4, DC90, GMP/FDA approval.4)Use: Non-steroidal anti-inf
CAS No.: 53-86-11)Molecular formula: C19H16ClNO4(Molecular weight: 357.79)2)Characters: A white or slight yellow crystalline powder, odorless, tasteless, soluble in acetone slight soluble in methanol,
Канамицин сульфат Acid
CAS # 25389-94-0Molecular formula: C18H36N4O11 Ў¤ H2SO4, Molecular Weight: 651.18Property: A white or almost white powder, hygroscopic, soluble in water, practically insoluble in acetone, in alcohol
1)Molecular formula: C16H14O3(Molecular weight: 254.28)2)Characters: A white, crystalline powder, odorless or almost odorless.3)Specification: BP2000/EP5/JP14, GMP/EDMF/COS approval.4)Use: Non-steroid
Линкомицин гидрохлорид
CAS NO.: 859-18-7Molecular formula: C18H34N2O6SЎ¤HclЎ¤H2OMolecular Weight: 461.02Property: A white crystalline powder with little smell, bitter.We can supply high-quality Lincomycin Hydrochloride