Высушенные (гриб) ломтики шампиньонов
About dehydrated champignon slices, we have two kinds of style.1) Freeze-dried Champignons (FD champignons)About this kind product, we have three kind size.a)Slice length: Natural lengthb)Dice length:
Набор овощей (Baby Corn)
1)Canned Mix vegetableStyle 1: Red carrto 25%+ green pea 75%Packing by tins: 400GX24, d.w=230g,Packing by tins: 800gx24, d.w=430G,2)Style 2: Red carrot 30%+ green pea 50%+ sweet kernel corn 10%+ green
Грибы (шампиньоны) в уксусе
A whole mushroom in vigegar diameter 1.5-2.0cmB whole mushroom in vigegar diameter 2.0-2.5cmC whole mushroom in vigegar diameter 2.5-3.0cmCt slice mushroom in vinegar diameter 2.5-3.0cmD whole mushroo
Грибы в рассоле
2007 corp of Mushrooms raw material.1) Champignons whole/P&S/Slice in Brine2) Champignons sliced/whole in Vinegar3) Pleurotus BaBy 1-3 cm In brine4) Schimegij very small Stem log 5 cmm and very little
Сладкие ядра кукурузы и зеленого горошка
Re: Canned Sweet kernel cornPacking by tins:340gx24 400gx24,2840gx6Re: Canned green peaPacking by tins:340gx24 400gx24,2840gx6Re: Canned Bamboo Shoot Whole/Slice/StripPacking by tins:227gx24 425gx24 5
Овощной (Bamboo Стреляй, Gr n Bean, Водный каштан)
Re: Canned Sweet kernel cornPacking by tins: 340gx24 400gx24,2840gx6Re: Canned green peaPacking by tins: 340gx24 400gx24,2840gx6Re: Canned Bamboo Shoot Whole/Slice/StripPacking by tins: 227gx24 425gx2
Дикие грибы в банку
Re: Canned mushroom (champignons) whole/Slice/P&SPacking by tins: 184gx24 284gx24 400gx24 800gx24 2840gx6Packing by jars: 314mlx12 580mlx12 720mlx12Re: Champignons whole pickledPacking by jars: 314mlx
Из лесных грибов Опята Масленок Смешанные Mushroom
Re: Canned mushroom whole/Slice/P&SPacking by tins:184gx24 284gx24 400gx24 800gx24 2840gx6Packing by jars:314mlx12 580mlx12 720mlx12Re: Champignons whole pickledPacking by jars:314mlx12 580mlx12 720ml