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Bilge Pump & Macerator Pump for Yacht and Boats
AURORA Macerator pump is designed specifically for sanitation waste and fish boxevacuations. This high-powered pump incorporates our high quality motor with a newseamless shell and splash proof design. The Macerator features a premium impellerdesign and includes o-ring sealed end bells with a sealed manual turn key towithstand the harsh marine environment.AURORA unique dual blade and housing construction ensures problem free pumping, providing superior performance while delivering up to 13GPM (49.20LPM), 13GPM (49.20LPM)Self primingSeamless motor shellO-ring shaft sealHeavy duty shaft sealManual turn key with rear o-ring sealInnovative internal housing designDual blade designPremium impellerIgnition protectionThermally protectedAvailable in 12, 24V DC
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