Щавелевая кислота
We are offering Oxalic ACid:99.6 %as per specs mentined below from our ISO Certified Plant as per specs mentioned BelowPhysical Appearance: White Crystalline powder.Purity as(C2H2042H20) % W/W(min):99
P. Dichloro Бензол
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals. Catering to Various Industries.We are one of the Oldest in the field of Mono Chlorobenzne, Para Dichloro benzene&Ortho Dichlo
Potasium ацетат
We Would like to Introduce ourselves as one the leading Exporters of Chemicals Minerals Oils & Bulk Drugs Based In Mumbai Established since 1973.We Are offering Potasium Acetate as per requiement Manu
Ди ацетат натрия
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm exporting quality chemicals& minerals catering to various industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes sod
Три Хлор Бензол
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals & Minerals catering to Various Industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes Tr
Уксусной кислоты ледниковые
We are 32 Year Old Firm Engaed in the Export of Chemicals& Oils& can offer Acetic Acid Packed in 35 Kgs& 220 Kgs Drum on Regular basis as per Requirement.Please write to us along with Foll Details.1)
Сульфат алюминия
We leading Exporters of Aluminium Sulphate Used in Water Treatment. We can offer ALuminium Sulphate Ferric&Non Ferric as per specs, mentioned Below,Aluminum Sulphate FerricAlumina 16%Iron 0.7%Water in
We are a international trading house based in Mumbai establihsed s9ince 1973 with iterest in Export of Chemicals, Mienrals, Oils&Antacid bulk Drugs.We are offering Bleaching Powder as per specs mentio