We are a international trading house based in Mumbai establihsed s9ince 1973 with iterest in Export of Chemicals, Mienrals, Oils&Antacid bulk Drugs.We are offering Bleaching Powder as per specs mentio
Сушеные алюминиевого гидроксида гель USP
We are offering following Antacid bulk Drugs mainly Magnesium Salts. We have modernized the manufacturing facilities by including SPIN FLASH DRYER to improve the quality of the products. Also we have
Оксид марганца
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals & Minerals catering to Various Industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes MA
Сульфат марганца
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals & Minerals catering to Various Industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes MA
Моно Хлор уксусной кислоты
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals to various industriesWe are offering Following Chemicals at competitive priceMONO CHLORO ACETIC ACID: + 99 % in 50 Kgs Bag.Sod
Моно Хлор Бензол
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals & Minerals catering to Various Industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes Mo
Орто Nitro Хлор Бензол
We introduce our selves as a 30-year-old firm Exporting quality Chemicals & Minerals catering to Various Industries.It has come to our notice that yours is an organization, which regularly consumes Or
Щавелевая кислота
We are offering Oxalic ACid:99.6 %as per specs mentined below from our ISO Certified Plant as per specs mentioned BelowPhysical Appearance: White Crystalline powder.Purity as(C2H2042H20) % W/W(min):99