Biodan, дезинфицирующие
BIODAN- Broad Spectrum- Virusidal Disinfectant- Non corrosive- Fast actingCombination of glutaraldehide and cocobenzil dimethil ammonium chlorideIndicationDisinfecting viruses, bacterias, spores and p
Ветеринарная медицина
- Single Dose- MOre Effective- Economic- No side effectsParalyzing and killing worms completely in 24-48 hours.CompositionEach 100ml contains:Piperazine HCL 40 gCarrier Ad 100 mlIndicationPoultry: For
Anthravak-Active вакцины против сибирской язвы
ANTHRAVAKReg. Deptan. Ri No. Dps 93064DescriptionAnthravak is an active vaccine containing Bacillus anthracis strain 34F2 Weybridge.IndicationUsed to generate antibody against Anthrax in cow, Buffalo,
HERBAGRO - натуральная кормовая добавка
Herbagro 311 made out of 100% natural medicinal plants with the following benefits:- Increase appetite- Increase meat and egg production- Suppress pathogenic bacterial growth in digestive tract- Posse