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FU`ER - Potassium Diformate
FUER - POTASSIUM DIFORMATE is the first non-antibiotic product in pig feeds approvedby the European Union to substitute antibiotic growth-promoter. FUER has beendeveloped and patented by the Challenge Group and Feed Research Institute ofthe CAAS. In the year 2005, FUER received the "Certificate of New-Type Feed Additive"issued by the Chinese Agricultural Ministry.Physical and chemical databorder=0>Functions1. Enhances the activity of digestive enzymes.2. Increases feed intake of animals.3. Improves the feed conversion ratio.4. Enhances the digestibility of animals.5. Improves the validity of feeds.CONTENTFUER I.: Potassium Diformate (C2H3KO4): ≥97%FUER II: Potassium Diformate (C2H3KO4): ≥93% and other nutritional components.Usage and dosageborder=0>Storage and shelf life12 months from date of production under temperatures of 25°C.Keep in a dry, well ventilated and cool place.Packing25kg/bag
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FU`ER - калия Diformate
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Жидкие Phytase
PECOZYME LIQUID PHYTASE is a research achievement of the State "863" StrategicProgram. This technology takes the lead in the world, with independent intellectualproperty rights, and has pass
Жидкие Phytase
Product Name: Liquid PhytasePlace of Origin: ChinaPECOZYME LIQUID PHYTASE is a research achievement of the State "863" StrategicProgram. This technology takes the lead in the world, with ind
Pecozyme Phytase
PECOZYME PHYTASE is a research achievement of the State "863" Strategic Program.This technology takes the lead in the world, with independent intellectual propertyrights, and has passed the
Pecozyme Phytase
Product Name: Pecozyme PhytasePlace of Origin: ChinaPECOZYME PHYTASE is a research achievement of the State "863" Strategic Program.This technology takes the lead in the world, with independ
PECOZYME фитаз 5000U / г
PECOZYME phytase 5000U/g with huge quality and competitive price produced by Beijing Challenge Group is now searching for worldwide distributors now. It can be used as poultry (poultry,broiler,hen,qua
Натрий Butyrate
The incomplete digestive system of piglets results in the insufficient secretionof digestive enzyme and incomplete digestion of feedstuff. Furthermore, the existenceof antigenic factors such as glycin
Натрий Butyrate
Product Name: Sodium ButyratePlace of Origin: ChinaThe incomplete digestive system of piglets results in the insufficient secretionof digestive enzyme and incomplete digestion of feedstuff. Furthermor
Натрий Butyrate
CHANGYIJIAN - Sodium ButyrateAs a source of high efficient energy, Sodium Butyrate plays an important role in development of gastrointestinal tract and keeping the completeness of structure and functi
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