Король Фишера Hamster Cage
HC-039i)Single Storey Cageii)Hamster cage size: 33 x 21 x 18cmiii)Carton Size: 66.5 x 34.5 x 52cmiv)Quantity per Carton: 12v)Carton CBM : 0.119vi)Gross Weight per Carton: 12.9kgHC-040i)Double Storey C
Король Фишера Кролика Кейдж
Rc-001I)rabbit cage size:58 x 32 x 32 cmIi)carton size:89 x 33 x 26 cmIii)quantity per carton:4Iv)carton cbm:0.076V)gross weight per carton:16kgRc-002I)rabbit cage size:84.5 x 49 x 45 cmIi)carton size
Король Фишера Wire Dog Cage
Wdc-001eI)cage size:45.5 x 33.3 x 37.5cmWdc-002eI)cage size:59.5 x 43 x 50cmIi)carton size:62.5 x 10 x 44.5cmIii)quantity per carton:1Iv)carton cbm:0.0278V)gross weight per carton:5.9kgWdc-003eI)dog c
Крупнотоннажной Автоматическая Pet F der
Features:1) Designed for all sizes of dog or cat2) Large volume: 45 cup / 10.646L capacity3) Feed from 1 to 99 days (or a nonstop)4) Programmable portion sizes: 1/2 cup to 5 cups5) Programmable feedin
Крупнотоннажной Автоматическая Pet F der
Features:1) Designed for all sizes of dog or cat2) Large volume: 45 cup / 10.646L capacity3) Feed from 1 to 99 days (or a nonstop)4) Programmable portion sizes: 1/2 cup to 5 cups5) Programmable feedin
Светодиодные теги
Features:1) Item no.: PA02002) Dec: pet LED tagMore relative item available.
Светодиодные теги
Features:1) Item no.: PA02002) Dec: pet LED tagMore relative item available.
Магнитная кисть
We deal with all kinds of aquarium accessories. For more pictures and information, please visit our own website. There you will find more details.Accept OEM order.
Магнитная кисть
We deal with all kinds of aquarium accessories. For more pictures and information, please visit our own website. There you will find more details.Accept OEM order.