Большая закладки лупа, Френеля Лензе
Bookmark Magnifier, with Apple design shape & print, 200mm x 65mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.
Книга Марка лупа, Френеля Lneses
Mini Bookmark magnifier, 14 x 3.8mm, 0.4-0.45mm thickness, lens can be printed with customers logo, ruler scale onto transparent or background lens. No tassel on it.
Закладка magnfiier, линзы Френеля
Bookmark Magnifier, with Heart design shape & print, 200mm x 65mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.
Закладка лупа, Френеля Лензе
Bookmark Magnifier, with ``T`` design big printing area & cut shape.190mm x 90mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.
Закладка лупы, линзы Френеля
Bookmark Magnifier, with Computer design shape & print, 200mm x 65mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.
Закладка лупа, Френеля Лензе
Bookmark magnifier, 190 x 65mm, 0.4-0.45mm thickness, with clip to hold the pages, client`s logo can be printed on the lense.
Закладка лупы, линзы Френеля
Bookmark magnifier, can be with logo and ruler scale priniting, 190 x 65mm, 0.4-0.45mm thickness. with tassel.Perfect idea for giveaway and promotion purpose.
Закладка лупы, линзы
Bookmark Magnifier, with WWW design shape & print, 200mm x 65mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.
Закладка лупы, линзы Френеля
Bookmark Magnifier, with Phone design shape & print, 200mm x 65mm, client`s logo can be printed on top white block. * welcome client`s own shape cut and design.