анти-сачок для ловли бабочек
use to prevent fruit flies and pests from damaging crop.they can control and adjust greenhouse temperature by different rates of ventilation
Строительство защите нетто
This net is basically as a fence, which prevents objects from falling of constructing construction sites, has protection function.
Вязание чистый
they prevent from birds and insects to intrude into farm.
Вязание чистый
they prevent from birds and insects to intrude into farm.
Вязание чистый
they prevent from birds and insects to intrude into farm.
Мульча покрытия сети (Tri-слой нетто)
Tri-layer Mulch net , it make the net as wider as possible. the farmer can easily spread the net to mulch crop. for cover crop and good protection. 1
Мульча покрытия сети (Tri-слой нетто)
Tri-layer Mulch net , it make the net as wider as possible. the farmer can easily spread the net to mulch crop. for cover crop and good protection. 1