Адрес: 8, Pa Der Rd., Hsin Ying City, Tainan Hsien
Телефон: +886-6-6521876
Type A double ply with rigid hinges ()Oval type handle with lock system ()Panel ga,zed with bevel boards & embossed panels ()Panel width: 152 mm ()Panel thickness: 12 mm ()Fits & widt,h opening just adding or subtracting panel () () (),
Wall & ceiling panel (board), ready for instant installation, sounds insulation ()Water resistance. Easy to clean, prevent dusting, enhance interior decoration ()Easy to coordinate with any color sch
Ready for instant installation ()Water resistant, easy to clean ()Prevent dusting ()Sound insulation ()Enhance interior decoration ()Easy to coordinate with any color scheme ()Heat resistance up to 6
Double-ply connected by soft hinges ()Panel width: 85 mm ()Panel thickness: 6 mm ()``C,`` type handle magnetic latch system ()Fits any width opening just by adding or subtracting panel (), () () (),
Double-ply ()Panel width: 120 mm ()Panel thickness: 10 mm ()Panels connected by rigid hinges ()``C`` type handle, magnetic latch system ()Fits any width opening just by adding or subtracting panel ()
Item SC-002 ()Dimensions: double-ply panel, rigid hinge, width-152 mm, thickness 12 mm, size-100(w) x 203(h)cm ()Fits any width opening just by adding or subtracting panel ()Any color available at yo
SC-013 ()Dimensions: thickness-28 mm, size-38(w) x 198(h) cm, any sizes can satisfy your requirement ()Be other bi-folding door system () () () () () (),
Type b double ply with rigid hinges ()Panel gazed with T2 (water wave) translucent,, boards & embossed panels ()Panel width: 152 mm ()Panel thickness: 12 mm ()Oval type handle with lo,c,k system ()Fi