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* The products are disposable wares made from natural vegetable fibers and with high technology. The raw materials are biologically degradable and pollution-free products made from waste materials of agriculture. * The product can be used for the cultivation of sprouts. Under the natural climate, the product will gradually soften in 3 or 6 months, thus the rhizome of the sprout will penetrate and cover the exterior of the container. And within a certain period of time, the product, combined with soil or cultivated soil, will naturally degrade to be organic materials. Therefore, you can transplant the product with the sprout instead of taking the sprout out of the container, and the livability of the sprout will be greatly raised. And as to the containers for the organic vegetable and fruit, after the harvest of vegetable and fruit, the container can be discarded inf the field, and it will biologically degrade to be organic materials, which will net only be pollution-free, but can enhance the nutuient of the nursery garden. Cultivation wares of agronomy: containers for plant growth and flowerpots The product can be used for th cultivation of sprouts. Under the natural climate, the product will gradually soften in 3 or 6 months, thus the rhizome of the sprout will penetrate and cover the exterior of the container. And within a certain period of time, the product, combined with soil or cultivated soil, will naturally degrade to be organic materials. Therefore, you can transplant the product with the sprout instead of taking the sprout out of hte container, and the livability of the sprout will be grently raised. And as to the containers for the organic vegetable and fruit, after the harvest of vegetable and fruit, the container can be discarded in the field, and it will biologically degrade to be organic materials, which will not only be pollution-free, but can enhance the nutuient of the nusery garden.
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