HUG мочи Газа
For detecting the presence of HCG with a concentration equal to or greater then 25miu/ml in urine specimens. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use in obtaining a visual qualitative result for dete
HUG мочи Газа
For detecting the presence of HCG with a concentration equal to or greater then 25miu/ml in urine specimens. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use in obtaining a visual qualitative result for dete
LH мочи Cassette
This test is to determine whether an ovulation is occurring by analyzing a urine sample, Approximately 12-24 hours after the LH peak. The wall of the enlarged follicle ruptures.
LH мочи Cassette
This test is to determine whether an ovulation is occurring by analyzing a urine sample, Approximately 12-24 hours after the LH peak. The wall of the enlarged follicle ruptures.
МДМА Cassette, наркотик
The MDMA Cassette test is a rapid qualitative competitive binding immunoassay for determination of MDMA or Methamphetamine Metabolites in urine.
Met Cassette
The Methamphetamine test is a rapid qualitative competitive binding immunoassay for determination of Methamphetamine and their Metabolites in urine.
Опиаты, морфин и героин Cassette
The Morphine Cassette test is a rapid qualitative competitive binding immunoassay for determination of Morphine, opiate, Heroine and Metabolites in urine.
PSA сыворотки Cassette
For the semi quantitative determination of prostate specific Antigen concentration in human serum. Elevated serum PSA concentration has been reported in patients with prostate cancer.
PSA сыворотки Cassette
For the semi quantitative determination of prostate specific Antigen concentration in human serum. Elevated serum PSA concentration has been reported in patients with prostate cancer.