EIM Non-сварки алюминия для инвалидного кресла
EIM stands for `` Enclosed Injection Molded``()Revolutionary & patented joint for aluminum tubes instead of welding ()EIM Joint provides much better strength & precision than welding joint()Modulariz
OVATION Алюминиевый колесный Walker
Designed and manufactured to complement your active life style()Made in highest quality aluminum tube and weight only 7 kgs (15Lbs) ()Available in 4 different seat heights (OV-I, II, III & IV)()Heigh
PW 000 Легкий складной Power инвалидного кресла
High quality stailess steel(S/S) frame construction()Compact ``Fold-N-Go`` design: assembly and disassembly in 60 seconds without any tools()Multi-adjustable armests: allow users to conveniently appr