Дети Power инвалидной коляске
Children Front wheel drive or Rear wheel drive available , Modular seating with other pressure relief cushion (option)
Power инвалидной коляске
Power Recline and tilt-in-space seat. Rehab Positioning seat, or Commercial seating, Rear wheel drive, with other pressure relief cushion (option)
Power инвалидной коляске
Power Stand-up, Tilt-in-space, Reclining, Lift, Lying funtions at one chair as an disable`s deream. Mid wheel drive concept. Whith Suspension, seat transfer, zero shearing force ..... All the profess
Power инвалидной коляске
Adult Power wheelchair, Front wheel drive or Rear wheel drive available , Modular seating with interchangable with other pressure relief cushion (option)
Power инвалидной коляске
Front wheel drive or Rear wheel drive available , Modular seating with Professional positioning seat
Power инвалидной коляске
Front wheel drive or Rear wheel drive available , Modular seating with Luxury Adult Captain seat