Ну модель Mercurial Сфигмоманометр
Swivel mounted with inflation system storage basket. Features casing made of engineering plastic for light handling and lasting performance plus durable clear tubing with dimension of 310.0mm.(Length
Ну модель Mercurial Сфигмоманометр
Swivel mounted with inflation system storage basket. Features casing made of engineering plastic for light handling and lasting performance plus durable clear tubing with dimension of 310.0mm.(Length
Анероидные Портативный Сфигмоманометр
High qualith with competitive value aneroid manometer. It features no pin stop and accurately calibrated to 300 Hg. gauge. Comes complete with inflation system and zippered vinyl bag.
Анероидные Портативный Сфигмоманометр
High qualith with competitive value aneroid manometer. It features no pin stop and accurately calibrated to 300 Hg. gauge. Comes complete with inflation system and zippered vinyl bag.