Креп бинт
Soft and lightweight ()Moderates stretched () () () () () () ()
Disp. F e Mask
Non-woven materials offer superior comfort and breathability ()Tie-on type & ear loop ()Available with wrap around eye shield ()Mask with B.F.E. above 95% are available () () () () ()
Марли Sponge
Ideal for wound dressing, general cleaning, and minor prepping Standard or X-ray detectable 4`` x 4``, or 4`` x 8`` Packaging: sterile (1, 2, 5, or 10 pcs / pouch) or non-sterile (100 pcs / bag) Plea
Изоляция платье
Spunbonded polypropylene non-woven material ()Water repellent, yet light weight, breathable, and comfortable ()Elastic cuffs are available for added protection ()Shoulder snaps are available for incr
Лапаротомия губки, стерильные или не стерильные
Individually inspected and delinted under a light & vacuum grid ()Firmly stsitched radiopaque element for easy detection ()Blue loop make indentification and counting easier ()Regular or pre-washed (
Нетканые Трахеотомия губка
Formed to fit around the tracheotomy tube Virtually lint-free and fast wicking Sterile or non-sterile 2`` x 2, 3`` x 3, or 4`` x 4`` 4 ply Packaging: sterile (1 or 2 pcs /pouch)or non-sterile (100 pc